Principles and Values

Principles and Values

Simple structures within the organization via minimal hierarchical levels; developing individuals with an internal formation of executive functions to be flexible and swift in adoption of decisions.
Creating an environment of understanding between the parties involved, helping to ease legal procedures and cultural differences. Focusing on developing long-term business relations and a lasting, virtuous wealth creation cycle.

To be always active in the modernization, growth, training, quality, simplification and improvement of the productive processes; increasing productivity and competitiveness and reducing expenses by adhering to the highest international standards.
Working in a united manner with a clear view of objectives and full knowledge of the tool and partners we have at hand.
Principles and Values
Being organized and process-oriented; upholding creativity and responsiveness to seize opportunities.
Reinvesting profits in our global community - The Company’s creativity is applicable beyond our own business. We look to assist in creating solutions for many global issues. We do that through our Non-Profit Organizations.

Using the best of our Cultures, technology and traditional knowledge to stay in sync with Universal flow.
As individuals of the Tai He Company, we avow to remember the work we do is for more than ourself. We are temporary administrators of the wealth we we create, and leave behind a legacy that has facilitated a strengthened global community.

Message from the CEO

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